About Us

is a social enterprise providing long-term market linkages between rural producers and urban consumers searching for pure, fairly-traded, organic certified agriculture and forest produce. Built on the foundation that human and economic security is achieved, UTMT partners and supports rural farmers, producer networks and communities across India, working in organic certified and non-chemical managed agriculture and forest produce based on sustainable farming and fair trade practices.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why do we exist

I am often asked why what we do Under The Mango Tree.
Farming is the main income source of 80% of India’s rural poor. Declining agricultural productivity has put unbearable stress on farming livelihoods, forcing farmers into cycles of debt or abandoning farms to migrate to cities.
Additionally, bee populations globally are under threat. Their role in agriculture is critical – four out of five foods depend on bees for their reproduction through pollination - their impact on agricultural productivity therefore significant.
UTMT develops capacities of poor farmers with annual incomes of USD450 add indigenous beekeeping to their activities. Village-level, farmer-friendly training incorporates local knowledge, so that bee management is learned and experienced seasonally. Sustainable support is ensured by a local cadre of “bee-doctors”, intensively trained to support and expand the activity locally. Farms are certified organic & fair-trade, honey and beeswax aggregated by farmers is sold directly to UTMT ensuring buy-back at premium prices.


benefitofalmondoil said...

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benefitofalmondoil said...

benefits of almond oil

Under The Angsana Tree said...

You are welcome to "undertheangsanatree.blogspot.com"